Christine Rutledge

Chris knew that once she retired she wanted to get involved in missions, locally and around the world. Recently she was ready and willing to spend two weeks on the mission field in Cambodia; however, the Lord closed that door.

Chris has been married 38 years and has 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren. For the past 38 years Chris has been a nurse; 17 of those spent at St. Luke’s Hospital. She has worked in a variety of roles in administration, leadership and management.  

Chris knew that once she retired she wanted to get involved in missions, locally and around the world. Recently she was ready and willing to spend 2 weeks on the mission field in Cambodia; however, the Lord closed that door. She was then quickly picked up by a team going to the Ukraine but the Lord closed that door as well.    

It was then that she received a call from Samaritans Purse, inviting her to go to Italy. However, only 5 days later she received another call informing her that she wasn’t needed in Italy, but New York. Chris and her husband prayed for guidance and the Lord answered. A mere day and a half later she was on a plane to New York for her first deployment with Samaritans Purse and the first domestic deployment for the organization.    

Chris served in the field hospital in Central Park for 21 days. She was never afraid of getting the virus. She felt safe being in His will, but was fearful of making a mistake due to the long hours and exhaustion. “It was brutal work. 12 hours working the night shift in PPE, yet glorious at the same time. I felt the palpable presence of the Lord”. She shared Isaiah 26:3-4 which could be found at the doors. She saw it every time she would zip or unzip the tent. Chris placed other verses around the tent, which she carefully framed with duct tape. For 38 years Chris has been a nurse and silently prayed for her patients but in New York: “It was a joy to drop to my knees and pray out loud for my patients”.    

Chris says that she’s “just a nurse who loves Jesus.”  We here at His Hands can say with certainty that she is a blessing to us, those she serves alongside, and those we serve.     

Check out the following YouTube Video out by Samaritans Purse

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