Recently while meeting with a patient I asked if I could pray for her and her circumstance. The patient said yes. After I prayed for her, she then asked me if she could pray. Taken totally by surprise, I nearly fell off my chair. In the past while praying for this same patient, she would abruptly stop me midstream while praying. So needless to say, I was astounded to see this certain change within her.
The patient stated, “I recently had a mammogram done for the probability of breast cancer, but the test came back benign and I want to thank God for my test results being benign.” Hearing her pray, I was reminded of the Scripture in Luke 17:15, where Jesus healed the ten lepers but only one of them came back to say thanks. When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back. He praised God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him.
God does so much for us! On a daily basis he provides everything we need. Do we forget to say thank you? Let’s pause right now, say, “thank you”, and ask God to help us remember to thank Him every day.