Angelo Lopez

Angel joined the Prayer Support team in October of 2018. He is also co-leading a class on chronic diseases with his wife Jennifer (our Diabetic Nurse Educator)

Angel shares that he came to know Christ at 14-years old. He says he was a Pentecostal-Baptist (saved in the Pentecostal church and baptized in the Baptist church). He had a friend who invited him to church. The friend’s father was a Baptist. Angel says that he and his friend would sneak out of that church and go the Pentecostal church as the music was better and they could dance.

He joined the Marine Corps at 17 and while stationed in Japan received his high school diploma (his actual diploma is on rice-paper). He took part-time courses in law enforcement and later became a detective and worked in the narcotics division. While attending college in Arizona he met his wife Jennifer. They moved back to Iowa to care for ailing parents. He also served in the Navy Reserves as a recruiter and counselor. It was only to be for 1-year, but that quickly became 10-years. Angel was discharged from the service after a total of 26-years.

Angel has an undergraduate in Criminal Justice. He has a master’s degree in Addiction Counseling. In 2017, God called him back to school, this time Bethel University where he is working towards his Masters in Divinity.

When asked what he enjoys the most about serving here at His Hands, he said the people here give him the opportunity to minister to people who are open to receiving. As for the staff and fellow volunteers, he says they have been wonderful and made him feel right at home.

Angel shared that in all he has seen during his time in the service, law enforcement and addiction counseling, you’d think he’d have a cynical heart. It’s just the opposite; he has one that loves people.

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Hear the story of just one of the many lives changed this year at His Hands Free Clinic.  Joyce came to us, barely able to walk herself into the clinic

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Stop to Smell the Roses

In John 10:10, Jesus says that He came so that we may have life, and have it abundantly. It is time that we start living from a place of authentic joy and purpose.

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